Amplex bringing broadband to HWE Service Area

We are excited to announce Hancock-Wood Electric Cooperative (HWE) has agreed to terms with Amplex Internet that will allow Amplex to provide fiber-optic internet service throughout Hancock and Wood counties. Fiber service provides speeds up to 1,000 Mbps (gigabit fiber) and is the most reliable type of internet connection. 

The first phase of construction began in January, as crews evaluated utility poles and placement of fiber equipment. The areas who will receive fiber to the home (FTTH) initially is still open to discussion and planning. Residential and business locations will receive mailers indicating when fiber service is available and ready for installation. Updates will be posted on the Amplex Internet Facebook page, as areas are completed. 

Residents will begin to see Myer Construction crews working on utility poles and within the right-of-way. In addition to internet service, Amplex also offers streaming TV, whole-house Wi-Fi, and phone service. Complete information on fiber optic and other Amplex services can be viewed at